Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What is a Definite Purpose Statement

Applying the Definite Purpose Statement:

from: http://www.createliberty.com/daily-affirmation-exercise-definite-purpose-affirmation/491/

Before I start I want to say, get a copy of this book, I offer a free one in e-book from on this site, go ahead and get that by searching the site with “free think and get rich ebook” or google it if you like. Beyond that, get a hard copy or print the ebook. Why? because I want you to do well, and I sincerely believe that if you read this book and apply the Definite Purpose Statement to your DAILY life it will, it must make a difference. Auto suggestion is not theory, it is the most powerful way too…maybe the only way, to change or tweak the subconscious mind.

Daily affirmation Exercise

To apply the definite purpose statement as a daily affirmation it is important to write the statement in a way that coincides with your beliefs. How is that done? When you write the statement, and then recite the statement you will no doubt have a “feeling” about it, or an energy, no? If your feeling is doubtful, it ain’t right. Here is how to fix it.

Lets say I want to do something I’ve never done. Which will be the case for many of the readers here. Since you haven’t done it there are bound top be doubts or conflicts with current beliefs. Beliefs are difficult to override, impossible to override long term, that’s why you see those patterns, those repetitive cycles in your life Here is a key to make the Definite Purpose Statement work.

I am looking forward to the future, and am grateful that I am in the process of creating an income in excess of 375k dollars. Receiving 375k over the next 12 months through rendering service as a small business coach and online marketing professional is exciting to me. I love the impact this money makes on my life and the impact my services have on those around me. I will earn this money from time to time in various sums throughout the year and I love the fact that right now I’m in the process of creating that reality in my life.

Go get the book….I recommend getting a copy of the dead tree type of the book too. If you want an Ebook, We offer one for free here at Create Liberty… You should grab a copy.

Daily Affirmations:

Daily affirmations are dynamite to create real and lasting change. I had the opportunity to listen to Jack Canfield, who loves the book too, talk about the subconscious mind. He compared it to love. Think back to a time when you first met someone who you fell in love with. Do you remember how life was new and you seemed like a different person? Well in many ways you were. When your in love your subconscious mine is over ridden by the intense emotions and self awareness that can accompany a “love fever”. Then 6 months down the road when life smacks you in the nose one day, you respond to your lover from the subconscious, and they are likely shocked. You know what I mean? Ever been in a relationship thinking this person is from god, they are perfect! Then one day you see this whole different side? This is a subconscious issue, I promise. If your going to invest some time in to the definite purpose statement do it daily…

Here is another example of a daily affirmation:

Definite Purpose Statement:

I will earn 275k dollars by the end of the year. I will receive these monies from time to time in various amounts by rendering service as a (be specific). I understand that my earnings are in proportion to my service to others and I will constantly strive to increase my value. My relationships are being nurtured intentionally, including those with the people who are the closest to me. I rely on a clear vision for the way I will treat people, in stead of the way I feel. Throughout the year I see improvements and look forward to healthy relationships as I earn 275k throughout the year.

In this example of a daily affirmation or definite purpose statement you can look for places to interject emotion and feeling. The subconscious is fuelled by emotion. In the statement it talks about “constantly strive”, connect a feeling of self acceptance, openness, and introspection with you constant strive, make it feel good, not like work. See yourself, feel yourself receiving valuable intuitive nudging as you go about your day. Feel opportunity appear. See yourself rendering the actual service. See yourself, feel yourself accepting the actual money.

With regard to those relationships, if you struggle with being short with people, your children, spouse, or whomever, you can now see yourself no longer reacting to a feeling but a vision that you’ve created for yourself. Hold yourself accountable to creating a new life if that is what you want.

The most important relationships the one you have with yourself, you’ll find almost no one will treat you better than you treat yourself, and if they do, they likely have an ulterior motive. The most important person to fall in love with is yourself. Your love, and respect you have for yourself will motivate and inspire you to teach your children how to treat you correctly and they will learn how to treat themselves and others in the world according to the model you exhibit. It works with all relationships.

Take the time to put together a definite purpose statement that resonates with your spirit. One you believe in and one that inspires you to be consistent and stay on track.

Share your experience with each other.

If you have any question or comments we would love to hear them. Thanks.